CD #1 |
Richard Hanze - "My
Country 'Tis of Thee" |
Bob Long - "Is God's
Judgement at America's Door?" |
CD #2 |
John Book - "Chronology
of a Corrupt Administration to Conquer the Church and the Country" |
Rusty Swafford - "Is
Patriotism Appropriate?" |
CD #3 |
George Faull - Tuesday Morning: "The
Cost of Discipleship" |
Dave McCants - "Glimps" |
CD #4 |
Art Irvine -
"What We Have Seen and Heard" |
Sonny Furrow -
"The Challenge Before Us" |
CD #5 |
David Jones - "Holy
Focus, Mind Control" |
Lee Mason -
"Lessons from Asa" |

CD #6 |
Bob Ponchot - "Icabod" |
Neil Gilliland - "What We
Learn From the Mosaic law" |
Linwood Smith - "To Have
Nothing, Yet to Have Everything" |

CD #7 |
Watchdog - "Chad Fatula,
Buddy Shane, Shawn Lovenguth, Brantley Rigo, Autrey Jackson, Jared Rigo,
Mark Bennett, Rufus Steele, John Mitchel, Eddie Roden George Rigo |
Bill Calvanessa - "Engrafted
in the Word" |
Gene Toole - "The Old Time
Religon" |
CD #8 |
George Faull -
Wednesday Morning:
"Life Is Not Fair" |
Hanum Taylor -
"The Future of the Restoration Movement" |
CD #9 |
Terry Strickler - "God's
Demands for the Church" |
George Faull -
Wednesday Evening: "Elijah's
Prayer Life" |
CD #10 |
Kevin Zeigler -
"Being True to Your First Lovel" |
DJ Maxey - "Created for Relationships" |
CD #11 |
Wayne Jocelyn - "Be Strong
in the Service of Christ" |
George Faull -
Thursday Morning: "The
Authority of Jesus" |
CD #12 |
Daniel Davenport - "Our
Reasons to Preserver" |
Chad Fatula - "The Big
Deception" |
CD #13 |
Joe Guthrie - "Act Like Men" |
Don Cooper - "Men and Their
Children" |
CD #14 |
Clyde George - "The Sameness
of Christ" |
Kevin Yeager - "Seven Proven
Principles" |
CD #15 |
Bobby Wallace - "Spiritual
Salad Bar" |