CD/Tape #1 |
Richard Hanze - "Those Who
Are Sent, But Not Willing" |
Bob Long - "Beware of Life's
Good Things" |
CD/Tape #2 |
John Book - "Brainwashed or
Bloodwashed" |
CD/Tape #3 |
David Jones - "Why, What, and
How of Forgiveness" |
Keith Wooley - "A
Servant's Heart" |
CD/Tape #4 |
Kevin Yeager - "Servants of
Lesser Gods" |
 CD/Tape #5 |
Ray Eure - "Parable of the
Talents" |
Bob Kidwell - "Christian
Home" |
Wayne Jocelyn - "Measuring
the Temple" |
 CD/Tape #6 |
Bobby Wallace - "Watch What
You Eat" |
Bucky Ryan - "Are You Fit For
the Kingdom" |
Dave Shively - "Learning From
Tiny Creatures" |
CD/Tape #7 |
Harvey Hacker - "Do
Not Disturb" |
Danny Davenport -
"Once You are Saved; Are You Always Saved? |
CD/Tape #8 |
David Fry -
"Harmonious Church" |
Joe Guthrie - "If a Man
Speaks" |
CD/Tape #9 |
Danny James - "Making Your
Calling And Election Sure" |
Tony Sullivan - "The Holiness
of God" |
CD/Tape #10 |
Ray Bennett - "America's
Three Greatest Needs" |
Kerry Allen - "Making the
Truth Attractive" |
CD/Tape #11 |
Lynwood Smith - "I am not
ashamed of the Gospel" |
Mark Billiter - "What Makes
the Church Great?" |
CD/Tape #12 |
Rusty Swafford - "Through
Many Tribulations We Must Enter the Kingdom of God" |
Larry Evans -
"Authentic Christianity" |
CD/Tape #13 |
David Bennett - "We Want
America Back" |
Henry Glancey - "Love" |
CD/Tape #14 |
Bob Ponchot - "Life's
Greatest Question" |
Skip Hurley - "Do You Love
God?" |
Watchdog Session |
CD/Tape #15 |
DJ Maxey - "Power of
the Resurrection" |